OCTOBER // Things we love


With the cool morning breeze coming in over the hills, it feels like Fall is here. True to the season, the past few weeks have been a major time of transition and movement. After being in Vermont for a week-long teacher training with the guru herself, Rosemary Gladstar, traveling in my VW wagon across country through New Orleans, Austin, Marfa, L.A. and finally landing in Sebatospol, it feels like the perfect time to get settled into a new space.


My heart feels so full with gratitude for the people and places that made our cross-country trip pure magic! We were gifted a playlist in New Orleans and had Stevie Wonder turned up the whole way to California. I really love this one and his soundtrack to "The Secret Life of Plants." Have you listened to Flower Power?

The soundtrack inspired me to revisit the 1970's book that gave plant communication a mainstream platform and has been changing people's view on how intelligent these green guides truly are.  Upon arriving to Sebastopol, I came across the vinyl in a thrift store and took it as a sign I'm in the right place.

To welcome in the cooler weather, I've been loving:

Full Moon Folk Medicine's Elderberry Syrup that's as good by the spoonful, as it is stirred into a cup of hot water. (Alina, 1/2 of Full Moon Folk, is my new roommate.  And who doesn't love a roommate that brings home giant sacks of Tulsi to dry in the living room, making our house smell  like heaven!) To sign up for their herbal share box for Fall go, here.


the many spicy nasturtiums blooming in our garden,  Horizon Herbs seed catalog, and vintage postcards from a really lovely antique store just up the road.

Here's to taking a giant leap and harvesting our dreams!

-Sarah Kate



NOVEMBER // Things we love!


Honeydew + Cherry Tomato Summer Salad