Summertime Herbed Corn & Feta Salad


We were thrilled when our friend Almila Kakinc-Dodd of The Thirlby reached out to get the recipe for our Summertime Herbed Corn & Feta Salad. If you aren’t familiar with her work, do your self a favor and pop over to The Thirlby now. Their mission is one that is passionate, poignant and deeply needed as more and more people are searching for resources to build healthier lives for themselves, for their families and communities and for the planet. Almila has created an inclusive platform that opens a wider conversation about modern wellness far beyond potions and beauty products. I hope you’re as inspired by their mission below as we are and take a moment to pop over to The Thrilby for more resources + recipes.

The Mission of The Thirlby

“We believe that our generation is buying into the wrong idea of wellness . . .

Health has become a way to profit from Millennial FOMO, our generation’s insecurities around our bodies and desirability. We’re promised success through buying trendy wellness products. And the price has become just as costly as high fashion. Fashion can have its highs and lows, but health is our birthright.

Wellness isn't just for white, 20-something women. It's for the Black, Asian, Indigenous, Latinx, immigrant, straight and LGBTQAI2S+. It lives in the youth watching us and the older generation that raised us. 

Wellness needs to be accessible beyond isolated, privileged goods. Yet it’s not a phenomenon exclusive to wellness. The late Ursula Le Guin said “hard times are coming” and we need those who “can remember freedom . . . poets, the realists of a larger reality.” Those poets are blue collar workers, veterans battling PTSD, unemployed young mothers, teenagers questioning their gender, and immigrants building the nation’s future.

Wellness has social determinants and it’s more than just what works for the individual who can afford it. It’s time we take wellness and self-care into social-care for me, you, and all. “


Kosmic Kitchen Holiday Gift Guide 2019


Grapefruit + Mint Chia Cooler