Mushroom Spiked Chocolate Tahini Mousse
A chocolate and tahini-based sweet treat, infused with medicinal mushrooms.
Kosmic Kitchen Holiday Gift Guide
A holiday gift guide meant to inspire you to support small businesses and get creative with the things you already have.
Lymph Love: Supporting the Immune System through Self Care Practices
One of the best ways to support your immune system is through lymphatic care. Discover some of our favorite ways to invigorate lymphatic flow.
Late Winter Wellness: Herbal Steams
Steams are a great way to wind down from the day and tune into your body, helping to soothe and warm the eyes, face, neck and jaw. They're great for moving the lymph in the neck, helping to drain and release toxins. Especially if you're suffering from seasonal allergies.
Butternut Squash + Tahini Dip with Sumac
Here's an easy snack that satisfies our need for something warm and grounding. It's got all the right flavors, creamy butternut squash that, sour + activating sprinkle of sumac and we've added a dose of Maca powder for to make it even more medicinal.
Warming Chicken Tortilla Stew with Adaptogen Broth
There's nothing more nourishing on a cold day than bone broth infused with herbs. Adaptogens are especially great in soups since their flavors can be a bit strong on their own. In folk medicine traditions, herbs were mostly enjoyed in food which helped to prevent sickness.