MARCH // Things We Love


To our surprise, spring came early this year in Northern California. Its as if one morning we woke up from a winter dream to find nature in bloom. The first to display their spring songs were the acacia trees dangling bright gold tassels from feathery leaves. Quickly after the first shimmer of gold appeared on the hillsides, the cherry blossoms began to show off their powdery pink flowers--like cotton candy on sticks lining the roadside. To see a literal 'flower tree' in full bloom is a magical experience especially if you didn't grow up with them. Not to mention the carpet of fallen blooms beneath the trees which seems like the ideal spot for napping on a warm spring day.

With so much in bloom, we couldn't help but include some flower-forward link love. Here's what we're loving about spring so far:

How the Japanese like to eat cherry blossoms-- from tea to mochi.

The ever inspiring Kat Harrison's new ethnobotany courses in Occidental.

Harvesting nettle for drying, making our favorite wild pesto and trying out a recipe for nettle malfatti.

This magical yoga retreat we're thrilled to be apart of!

The oh so lovely Peace Cloud tea.

This INKA PINKA blend from our friend Siena.

Getting up to date on the world of  Sustainable Herbs.


Hope you're enjoying spring as much as we are :)




Cooking: A Practice in Self-love


Adaptogenic Ginger Maca Miso Dressing