12 Ways to Make Your Kitchen Kosmic


If you've been following our journey through The Great Kosmic Kitchen blog, or even if you've just now joined us, you may wonder...what exactly makes a kitchen kosmic? With every bite we prepare we try to infuse a bit of the sacred. Whether we chant over the food, use medicinal herbs, or summon the ancient practices of our ancestors, we try to make some magic each time we step into the kitchen. However, this magic doesn't happen on its own. It takes conjuring. Here are some ways we do it. 1. Drink herbal tea. Whether it's turmeric golden milk or just a simple pot of herbal medicinals from our backyard, we try to take time each day to enjoy a warm cup of tea. When we take the time to be silent with the plants, we welcome in creativity.



2. Channel your great-great-grandma. Soak, sprout, and ferment your foods. Eat simple things from time to time, like porridge, bone broths, or kitchari. Traditional food preparations take some planning, but they make each meal incredibly nourishing and easy to digest.

Congee // Rice Porridge

Congee // Rice Porridge

3. Cooking time is healing time, and your intentions matter. Think of your cooking and nourishment like yoga, it's a practice. The energy you put in is very important, so leave your troubles and bad energy outside of the kitchen. Practice patience with your cooking, and gratitude with each bite.

4. Eat nutrient rich wild greens. Whether your wild harvesting stinging nettle or just picking some dandelion from the backyard, add some medicine to your meals. Wild greens are a bit spunkier than cultivated varieties, and are packed with vitamins and minerals. The nettles featured below are high in vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, and fiber.



5. Power up with adaptogens. Adaptogens (sometimes called tonics) are plants that help build up the body and bring it back to homeostasis. Those who use adaptogens over a few months time notice improved immune function, the capacity to deal with everyday stressors, and improvement to overall wellness. Add astragalus to bone broths, tulsi to salad dressings, shatavari to honey, or dream up your own herbal creation.



6. Love your fat(s). Love your body, and your fats. A healthy love of fats is necessary to nourish, promote healthy hormone function, support cognitive function, and overall wellness. We love whole milk, coconut oil, avocados, olive oil, and butter. If you can get grass-fed and organic butter, we'd highly suggest it. If you're a woman looking for hormone support, read more about seed cycling and evening primrose oil.



7. Believe in flower power. Some of the strongest medicines work subtly. Take the time to listen to your garden, sprinkle edible flowers on each dish, and infuse their vibrant blooms into flower essences.



8. Clean till you can eat off the floor. Okay, we aren't really going to eat off the floor, but you get the picture. Most of us don't feel creative when there is a mess, so try not to wait till later to clean.

9. Make sure everything has a home. You won't have to wonder what you have or where to put things if you give it a home. This takes the thinking out of prepping, cleaning, and putting away. This way you can live more in the flow of things.



10. Create a food prep day. Take a Sunday or a Wednesday to make broth, a big soup, chop kale, soak your grains, or make adaptogenic Power Powder Balls. This way you have at least one day a week you're committed to preparing traditional foods.

11.  Reduce waste, or give it back. Use beet tops, chop kale stems, freeze veggie scraps to make broth, and compost what you can't find a purpose for.

12. Share your food. Invite your friends and family over to enjoy a meal with you every so often. Wellness extends beyond the plate, and we believe community promotes good health.


Things We Love // June


MARCH // Things we love!