Morris House Brunch



This past month we decided to have a fundraiser for our home garden. We figured, who doesn’t love a bloody mary with fresh tomatoes from the garden? Or home cooked southern food? So we stole Stardust Coffee's famous brunch bar tender Mr. Greg Leibowitz and got our dear friend (and amazing artist) Adrian Gonzalez to letter press menus and signs at Flying Horse Editions. Those two really made the event something special.

So many wonderful people came, it was a blast! Everyone seemed to really enjoy our cornbread and huevos rancheros. Our friend Fran even brought some starfruit she had gleaned!

We already used some of the profits to buy compost for the entire yard! We also got some unique plants at Sundew Gardens like Egyptian Walking Onions, Malabar Spinach, and some crazy tomatoes that get up to 10 feet tall… we will have to give each other a lift just to harvest the things!

So thanks again to all of you who came, and for those who missed out- don’t worry! We are looking forward to having many more Sunday feasts.



Simple Spanikopita with Golden Tomatoes


Herbal Infused Water